Officer Elections

Officer Nominations Due August 31st


Officer Nominations Due August 31st -

The coalition is seeking candidates to fill open positions on the steering committee for the for the next term (2 yrs.).  Open positions include: The open positions are Secretary, Community Garden Committee Chair, and Urban Farm Committee Chair. Click here to learn more details about each committee (or visit our committees page).

Your participation and involvement are critical to the oversight and success of DEUFFC.

Election Process

  • Nominating

    A call for nominations will be sent to the membership by August 15th via our e-newsletter. Those interested then have until August 31st to submit their nomination. Submit you nominations here!

  • Voting

    All nominations will be reviewed by our Steering Committee before being place on a ballot to be emailed to our membership on September 30th. Voting deadline is October 4th.

  • Sharing Results

    Final elected positions will be highlighted during the October newsletter and new officers will be will be presented at the 2025 urban ag session.

Open Officer Position Details

    • Participate in quarterly DEUFFC meetings.

    • Participate in regularly scheduled Steering Committee meetings.

    • Be involved in one of the DEUFFC committees.

    • Help implement recent strategic planning decisions for the Coalition.

    • Represent the DEUFFC to the public, government officials, and other organizations.

    • Support the mission, vision, and goals of DEUFFC.

  • Responsible for taking and tracking meeting minutes and documentation relative to the operations and engagement of the DEUFFC.

  • Responsible to develop marketing strategies in coordination with the Marketing and Communications officer and provide linkages to educational resources that support the mission, vision, and goals of the DEUFFC. The Chair shall set the agenda and lead committee meetings.

  • Responsible to connect new and existing community gardens to a variety of resources to support and sustain their activities. The Chair shall set the agenda and lead committee meetings.

  • Responsible to connect new and existing urban farms to a variety of resources to support and sustain their activities. The Chair shall set the agenda and lead committee meetings.