Over the course of the morning, Madi Walter (New Castle Conservation District and Delaware Urban Farm and Food Coalition) will lead us in “Understanding the Game of Urban Agriculture,” an interactive experience designed to demonstrate the benefits and challenges of urban agriculture. Afterwards, participants will go on a tour of the farm to see the variety of strategies Bellevue Farms uses to create a thriving green space before getting their hands dirty and tackling some projects around the farm. Gloves and tools will be provided but participants should bring water and dress appropriately for being on the farm, including sun protection.
The workshop will happen on April 13th, from 8am -12pm at Bellevue Farms. We will be meeting underneath the pavilion behind the Bellevue Community Center located at 510 Duncan Rd, Wilmington, DE.
Registration is REQUIRED for all events, even for those who are not seeking course credit. To register and learn more about the New Ground Grower Series visit our webpage
Contact Madi Walter at madison.walter@delaware.gov or Elisa King at elisa@cultivateforward.com for questions.